Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bok Choy Becomes Bok Ciao !

Last night I cooked bok choy for the first time. I don't cook Chinese food. I let my local Rice Shop do it for me. I cook Italian food so I Italianized bok choy and it was great! From here on in I will refer to it as bok ciao lol!

Heat some olive oil in a pan and add as much chopped garlic as you like (we like LOTS of it) and a medium sliced or chopped onion. Cook until limp or just starting to brown on the edges. Meanwhile chop up 3 small heads of bok ciao. Start at the white end and cup into 1/4" slices. Add this to the pan. After a couple of minutes add the green part of the bok ciao sliced into 1/2" ribbons.

Then mix in some Herb-Ox chicken broth, in POWDER form, to taste (do not add water). I use this in many of my recipes instead of salt. It gives vegetables a nice, rich flavor in addition to the salt it provides (it is also available in a low-salt form). Add some Italian Seasoning (or any Italian seasonings of your choice) and black pepper. Mix all together and cook on a low to medium heat until the bok ciao is limp. About 5 minutes.

Bok ciao reminds me of escarole and makes a great side dish. It is delicious and a nice accompaniment to chicken or pork. Serves 3 to 4. Enjoy! Smoochies!


Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Yummy! I will definitely make this soon.

Love my new earrings MrF! They make me so happy, dreaming of the beach...


Maisy Brown said...

lol, bok "ciao" - I love it! you know, I would never have thought of doing that (I'm notoriously NOT a lateral thinker), but I'm definitely going to try cooking Asian greens this way!

The Dusty Dog Vintage Boutique said...

Sounds very yummy! We'll have to try it here. :o)

Almost Precious said...

Love Bok Choy ! Never thought of combining the Oriental with the Mediterranean...but then being a born Italian, raised in the USA gal, I think everything taste better with garlic, onions, olive oil and oregano ! : )
My mama, Antonietta Clelia (God rest her soul), would be very pleased with your Italification of Bok Choy. Anna Maria

Unknown said...

Thanks for joining my blog and you sound like a good cook Mr. Filthy -I'm a good Southern cook - we can share a few recipes.

Unknown said...

Thanks for joining my blog Mr. Filthy - you sound like a good cook. I am a good Southern cook with that great Louisiana French flair - we can share a recipe or two.

saintNICHOLAStoo said...

Sounds delicious!

As for Bok Ciao,didn't the Chinese sort of steal it from the Italians,
then call it Bok Choy and pretend it was always theirs ?! :)

Mossy said...

I like your style Mr. Rotten.